Kathy's Poetry Listed By Title
This Page is under construction...revising it's content!
3. Dance
4. Friend
6. Submarine Races
10. Then You Call
13. Best Left Alone
14. We Were Together
15. That Ol' River
16. I Can't Say, Just Because
17. Don't Ask Why
18. If You Knew Me
19. Jack Daniels & My Guitar
20. I Have Your Coffee Cup
(These are not linked to their respective pages yet...I am still working on uploading and finishing the pages!)
I Have Your Coffee Cup
I have your coffee cup,
that beat up metal and enamel thing.
and I had the emblem from your '74 Panhead.
But it's long gone now.
It was a glorious time we lived in.
We shall never see such times again.
The Wonderful reckless years we were together
are etched deep, so deep in my heart.
Time can never wear that down or wash it away.
I will take it with me always...to my grave.
I have a few other things that I would not part with.
A motorcycle chain, A cigarette pack, A necklace,
A few photos of you from so many years ago.
These things are like precious diamonds to me.
There are secrets too...old, dark and tucked away.
No one knows like I do.
Never will...never will.

I was always rather fond of Jack Daniels
but only in small doses,and not too often.
I was not the type to get sloppy drunk
and wonder what I did the night before.
It always sort of scared me to lose control
so I set boundries and limits at an early age.
Hangover was not in my vocabulary.
Alcohol, to me, was the enhancer, never the quest.
Drunk was never the end result of a great night.
Anyone setting out to get me wasted
or make me lose my ability to think "right",
or catch me as I fell would always come up empty handed.
Take advantage of me? It didn't happen.
I decided who I was with or not...just me, not the alcohol.
Jack Daniels & my guitar were my trusted friends.
Neither would never, ever let me down
If we happened to be seen together, on occasion.
we were never out of line...and never out of tune.
To this day I still have Jack Daniels when I sing Karaoke.
Just one shot, only one...straight up
then I get up on the stage and sing.
My poor guitar gathers dust in the corner.
One string busted, the others way out of tune.
I used to passify my evening blues writing
and singing songs with my guitar
and sipping Jack Daniel's "Black Label".
July 2003

If you knew me
Like you thought you did
You would have known
how much I cared
how much I dared
and how much it hurt
when you would go away.
If you knew me
Like you said you did
You would have tried
to understand my feelings.
You would have given me
just a little more time
to adjust to the aloneness
You kept bouncing back
to me like a boomerang
and at me like a lively tennis ball
Gone a while, then back again
Gone again, then back a while
Couldn't you make up your mind?
Did I really have anything to do with that?
Was I just a safe place to land or
Your port in the storm?
Or did you really love me
Like you said you did?
If you knew me, really knew me
You would not have made promises
that you knew you would not
or could not keep.
If you knew me, really knew me
you would have gone away for good.
Never coming back like you did
time and time again.