There are paths we take everyday, everyday.
And there are those that we venture down or stumble down when
things go wrong or disappointments come or when
we meet someone who makes us feel....something.

The paths we take are ultimately our decision.
We cannot, should not blame someone else for those steps
that we alone took to get to this place in our lives.

Thank those people who helped you.
Forgive those who discouraged you or denied you.
Love those who stood by you...and Forget those who said you couldn't do something.  Maybe they were right, maybe not, but it was up to you to try,
if it was something you really wanted.

Carry with you your integrity and your true personal worth.
Take along your morals and ethics and keep them close to you.
Discard your fears and failures...but not all of them.
They will make you strong and careful.
Discard envy and hate...they will slow you down if not destroy you.

Journey through this life as best you can, without hurting anyone with betrayal or greed or vengence.
Keep honesty in your pocket and give it out freely.
Keep ridicule, gossip and criticism to yourself.
Give your smile to all you do and everyone you encounter.
They may need yours especially if their own is gone.
Laughter is contagious and it's good medicine...Share yours!
Life is Funny Sometimes...But I'm not Always Laughing!
PATHS 2002
I climbed telephone poles for MA BELL in my 20's. It was a great job and I was good at it!  It was the late 70's and only a handful of women did that kind of work.  We were pioneers in the 20th Century I suppose, though we were not thinking about that, at the time.  We just wanted be outside and "fix things." (the pay wasn't too shabby either...for a woman) The picture above is an abstract of a sculpture I made a long time ago...out of telephone wire of course! 
Little Glimpses into My Heart
KC - Kenny Connolley
Some days are better than others.
Sometimes you are with me all day.
And then I can go for days
without thinking about you.
But you are always with me,
in my heart.
I would give anything to see you again. 
Just to taste your mouth and feel your arms around me for one moment.

Can a love from so long ago
still be so strong and forever?
Yes, I believe it can.
But I am stronger now,
and I know my limits.
If you asked me, I might want to go with you, but I would not.
Fifteen years ago maybe, but not today. Not anymore.
You are my all time weakness.
My all time treasure
and my all time love.
And you will be till the day I die.
(AKA James "Jimmy" Woodworth).

There are times when my thoughts of you are so intense I could burst.
It's during those times
that my weaknesses surface
and I long to see you, to hear your voice, to touch you...I feel like that now.

I cannot shake these feelings,
and I'm sure it is because we
never really got to spend enough time
There is still mystery about you
that intrigues me, excites me
and that I daydream about often.

I sometimes wish we had never met,
but in that same moment
I am so glad, so grateful that we did.
I guess I miss you much more
than I wanted to.
You are on my mind
and in my heart.
I just wanted you to know that.
It's one of those days again.
I feel your absence
and an emptiness inside.
It's one of those days again.
Raining, gray and lonely.
I miss you on days like this.
My memory wants to take over
and remind me of what I lost,

It's hard to work, hard to think.
Hard to do anything.
It's one of those days again.
My mind tries to convince me it's
time to let go.
My heart will not let that happen.
and hard as I try to forget,
once again.
It's one of those days.

You say you like my laughter
Well then...come make me laugh.
I cannot laugh with you so many empty miles away.
Laughter does not take to sadness.
Come home, and I'll even laugh
between the tears.  1974
And so it's time to say goodbye
but not quite say the words
that are needed to ease the pain
of a closeness that will soon
be as distant as the stars.     1974
I lost a few dreams along the way.
They must have fallen from my pockets
when I wasn't looking.
When you're gone
My heart goes with you
My thoughts circle back to you
and I speak your name
in the darkness of night.
Silent thoughts and empty dreams
fill my head and so it seems
the days I knew would bring me joy
proved me wrong again.
Come with me, come make me smile
help me forget for a little while
make me laugh and feel brand new
take me from the blues.
No need for clumsy goodbyes
We both know words are only words
Silence should be our words now
At least until my tears are gone
By then I imagine you will be too.
If not, then we can talk.              1972