Memories and Things to Smile About.
I was all of 16 when this photo was taken  by my first husband Dennis.  We were at the zoo, totally in love, I think.  But that was a long, long time ago.  He passed away at 40.  Way too young to die.  We were only married long enough to have two beautiful children back in the 70's.  I have thanked him many times (in my mind and aloud to him) since he has passed.
I should have thanked him before he died...I meant to.
For Mike Hanberry
Riding Boots
I once owned a pair of lace up riding boots.
They were beautiful soft leather that laced to my knees,
but took forever to lace up, or unlace down.
One time at the river, in the light of the moon,
I decided they were more trouble than they were worth.
After that, as much as I really didn't want to,
I took them to the Salvation Army and a woman, shopping, snatched them up as soon as I put them on the counter.
She smiled because she had found such beautiful boots. 
I smiled too, remembering the moonlight!

For Rick Bell
I still think about you everyday.
You just jump into my thoughts from nowhere
and I smile, remembering
the quiet times we spent together.
The brief moments frozen in my memory
that will always be there,  forever.

You used to consume my thoughts
and take my breath away...
Leaving my body weak
and my mind flooded with bitter sweet images.
Now I simply smile...and wonder how you are.

I can't hold my breath that long.
Not sure if I want to.
I have decided it's too much of an effort.
The wait is too long, too painful.
I have no regrets except that maybe I
did not act on my instincts soon enough.
To catch myself as I fell
And I did fall. Hard!
So what if I did.
I've been there before.
Bruised a little, but still alive.
Still able to stand back up,
dust myself off and get back to my life.
And it is my life.
Funny how things turn out.
Though not funny at all really.
Actually kind of sad...but then
I've been there before too...
and found my way back.
I dug my heels in hard
trying to freeze the moment,
or at least slow it down somewhat.
Didn't work.
And I nearly tripped
and broke my neck.
You have to be careful
when you try to seize a moment.
It could be hazardous
to your health.         April 2000
May was a good month
for honeysuckle and men.
Oh and the rains came.
Keeping me up late, listening.
Listening to the memories.
Smiling to myself.
Thinking of the good times.
Long ago and far away.
Fading slowly as if going by
in slow motion.
Getting farther and farther
from my remembrance.
And I cry sometimes,
because they are all going,
or gone.          May 1978
Your smile makes me melt.
My daydreams are consumed by you.
I know I am only dreaming,
to imagine my life...with you!
I mention your name and I hear
"Schoolgirl crushes are a fact of life"

What do the grownups know?
They have no idea how I feel.
They have no idea!