Kat's House of
Arts & Crafts
Located in Historic Orange, Virginia
Robert E. Lee's Headquarters is just 1/4 mile from my property.  He and His men probably rode their horses across my land.
         Year Round "Weekend "Arts & Crafts!
   Rain or Shine...We are indoors, so no worries!
Electric connections required?.....$1.00 per day!  However you will need to bring your own
                                                     extention cords. They will be inspected before use for safety
                                                     reasons, so please make sure they are in good shape. All
                                                     extension cords will need to be unplugged from wall outlets
                                                     each evening before you leave. 

Food and beverages (no alcohol) may be brought with you. We suggest bringing your own cooler though, so you can stay with your tables. There is an eating area also at back of showroom..

Your children are welcome to come help you. You may bring chairs or "car seats" for resting and comfort...but they cannot be allowed to run around the central areas or anyone elses table areas. This is very distracting for customers and other sellers. Toddlers and infants can get very cranky after several hours so please understand you may need someone (adult) to assist you if you bring very young children.

Clean Restroom Facilities are available.  Water available in a "Community Sink" area also.
There are no rules (see note below) about the type of arts or crafts that you sell, or how you display them, but the guidelines are as follows:

   (there are places outside designated for smoking with ashtrays or cans for
   proper disposal) I smoke, and yes, we all know it's a nasty habit....That said...
   please be courteous about where you smoke.

2. You must keep a neat and clean area.  A tablecloth is recommended for a
   more professional look and to hide boxes or bags and extra items under your
   table. Twin size flat sheets work great for this (color is your preference).Some
   table cloths are available for a reasonable rental fee of $3.00 per weekend or
   $10.00 per month. They are drycleaned weekly for the weekend.

3. Food and drinks in your area should be kept off display tables. Do not allow
   anyone to eat at your display tables. There are tables near the back where you
   or your helpers may eat. Free coffee and tea for anyone renting a space.  

4. I haven't figured this one out yet........blank till I do!!!

Remember, of course, there may be children, on any given day, in the building so you certainly need to be responsible with your exhibits. 

Note: No erotica or anything of a sexual, racial, anti-american or anti-any other country will be shown or displayed to the public. These are sensitive times we live in so please respect our customers and our neighbors at the show.
Join in the Fun.  Enter the Contests! Enjoy all of the Beautiful
Handcrafts and Handiwork of Fellow Artists and Crafters.  Make
Money and New Friends at the same time!  Monthly Senior Citizens,
Teens & Childrens Workshops too!  All Crafters and Artists welcome!!
Learn new skills at the special hosted demonstrations and "HOW TO" classes during the week.
Watch for them in the UPCOMING EVENTS or volunteer to share your skills and crafts and
earn discounts on your own table rental on the weekends.  See additional info page.
Site created by Kathyryn Oliver, KATCOMPANY
Weekend Table Spaces for displaying and selling your arts & crafts items. Paintings, Candles, Photo Albums, Portraits, Holiday & Festivity items, Seasonal Pieces, Home Decor & Accessories, Baskets, Dolls,
Trinkets, Americana, Stuffed Animals, Quilts, Wreaths, Flowers, Sculpture, Clothing, Woodworking, Embroidery & Knitted Items, Crewel, Statues, Whimsical Items, Sports items, Home Baked Treats...whatever you create!!
Join many other crafters, under one roof, and benefit from the array of beautifully different and one-of-a-kind items offered by each person.

Prices for table rental depends on your needs. Saturday, Sunday or both weekend days.
You may even want the entire month (4 weekends) during holiday buying seasons.
Daily (one weekend day), Weekend (Saturday & Sunday) Monthly (4 weekends) rates as follows:
If you stay with your table,                       $20.00 per weekend day
handle all of the transactions and             $35.00 per weekend 
you simply rent the table space.             $130.00 per month (weekends)
If you prefer to simply rent the space        $30.00 for both weekend days
for show only and provide your                $110.00 per month (weekends)
business card or info to contact you (DISPLAY ONLY TABLES ARE IN A MONITORED AREA)*
If you need only a 2' X 2' display area         $5.00 per weekend day
for your samples & your business cards     $8.00 per weekend
(DISPLAY ONLY AREAS ARE MONITORED) *      $110.00 per month (weekends)
If you bring your own table(s).....................$5.00 discount per day
Corner areas and wallspace available.........$3.00 extra per day
You may leave most of your tables set up during the week, however there are
classes and special exhibits on weekdays, therefore, though we monitor the
areas we cannot be responsible for lost or stolen items!
Please email me if you have any questions.  Check links above too for info, but I would be glad to hear from you.
email: info@katcompany.com