These are some of the "critters" that live in my yard.  All the different birds sing and chatter throughout the day moving to and from the feeders and drinking from and bathing in the birdbath.

The butterflies are constantly moving from flower to flower.
The squirrels steal food from the bird feeders and are always on alert for one of my three cats.
A possum has been trying to join in lately but I put a scarecrow in my yard to deter him...seems  to have worked.

The scarecrow seems to like it here too. He hasn't scared the raccoon though, that has been sneaking on my deck late at night. I need to get a pellet gun!!!  I don't want to kill him, or the possum, but they could harm my cats.

We all try to live in harmony and respect each others boundries, though there are obvious rivals and natural prey (that can't be avoided).

Duke, my black lab, tries to keep order and peace among the rest of the creatures and critters.  It really is his domain, though the cats think otherwise. He is the biggest and strongest and could hurt any of them if  he was inclined to...but he doesn't.....he won't.