The tale of "Clara's House" is the diary of Anna Sanders.
How she came upon the beautiful quiet mountains and the quaint town of Chancellorville, that she eventually called home.
The little shop on the edge of town that became her passion, and then became her own. The mysterious & delightful happenings and the legacy and memories that surrounded the town and that soft, sensuous little piece of earth on 3rd Street. The Magical house and tiny out buildings...and it's many other "little" inhabitants.
And Clara herself. What an angel she was. She became Anna's best friend, next to her younger sister, Meagan. When Clara moves to the ocean ("for her final days" she always said), leaving the shop to Anna, it was a sad but enlightening occasion. Anna learned secrets and potions and scrumptuous recipes from Clara in those last few days together. Given a book to be opened "when the time was right." was all Clara would tell her..."and not before!" she would add with a stern tone, or as stern as she could make it. "You will know when you need it. It will speak to you". Anna turned it over in her hand, admiring the leather binding and apparant age, but beautifullly preserved book, tied with a ribbon to keep it closed.
Magical and wonderful, mischievious and amazing was Anna's life once she became proprietor and owner of